Featured Projects
Tweagers are leading contributors to several open source projects — from functional programming languages to cross-platform frameworks.
Many thought leaders of the Nix community are Tweagers. Together with our clients, we contribute much of the technical roadmap, from better reproducibility and performance to new use cases and developer tools.
We were among the first outside of Google to adopt Bazel. We are recognized community experts. We have contributed key features and new programming language support to Bazel. We did this for ourselves and now we can do it for you.
We are among the top contributors to GHC, a mature, state-of-the-art compiler for Haskell. Choosing Haskell is a path to more correct, scalable code for industries where mistakes matter. We created language interop with Java, JavaScript, C and R, we make Haskell run in your browser, and do the heavy lifting in your analytics pipelines.

Write complex configurations. Modular, correct and boilerplate-free.