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Ormolu: Announcing First Release

11 October 2019 — by Mark Karpov, Utku Demir

We’re happy to announce the first release of Ormolu, a formatter for Haskell source code. Some may remember our first post from a couple months ago where we disclosed our work on the Ormolu project—but carefully called it “vaporware” then. Times have changed; it’s not anymore.


We’ve run Ormolu on large real-world projects, legacy codebases, and most popular packages. We consider Ormolu usable:

  • It formats all Haskell constructs and handles all language extensions.
  • It places comments correctly.
  • It performs some normalization of language pragmas, GHC/Haddock option pragmas, and import lists.
  • It’s fast enough to format large real-world codebases in seconds.
  • Its output is almost always idempotent. We’ll get idempotence 100% right in the following releases.


Ormolu’s original goal was to implement a formatting style close to one people already use. We also wanted a style that minimizes diffs. We met both goals in the first release, but you may notice some unexpected stylistic decisions.

Let’s look at an example:

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | A formatter for Haskell source code.
module Ormolu
  ( ormolu,
    -- ...

-- ...

-- | Load a file and format it. The file stays intact and the rendered
-- version is returned as 'Text'.
ormoluFile ::
  MonadIO m =>
  -- | Ormolu configuration
  Config ->
  -- | Location of source file
  FilePath ->
  -- | Resulting rendition
  m Text
ormoluFile cfg path =
  liftIO (readFile path) >>= ormolu cfg path

The snippet should look conventional except Ormolu placed commas and function arrows at the ends of lines. Let’s see why we decided to place them there.


While this popular formatting choice

( "foo"
, "bar"
, "baz"

works in expressions, it’s a parse error if used in a pattern, because everything in a multiline pattern should be more indented than the opening parenthesis. That’s why we make an exception in our rendering rules—we move the closing parenthesis one indentation level to the right on the rare occasions it’s necessary. Re-arranging or shifting all commas would be too inconsistent in that case, so we went with commas at the end of lines.

Did you notice that we also add trailing commas where possible, for example, in export lists? Our ability to do this comes from a relatively new feature in Haskell—it helps with Ormolu’s goal of achieving minimal diffs too. If we try to remember where leading commas come from, Johan Tibell’s style guide comes to mind. The author said later:

[…] I designed [Haskell style guide] to work with the lack of support for a trailing comma. If we supported a trailing comma my style guide would probably be different.

There you have it: GHC supports a trailing comma now, so it’s not unreasonable to start putting commas at the end of lines. This style is also more familiar to programmers who come to Haskell from other languages.

Function arrows

We faced another dilemma with placement of function arrows. The familiar style is this:

  :: Applicative f
  => (a -> f b)
  -> t a
  -> f (t b)

There is nothing wrong with it. It works perfectly well… with Haskell98. As soon as we start adding more features to the type system, it’s no longer clear what is the best way to format type signatures:

  :: forall ty op.
  [(RdrName, Fixity)]
  -> (op -> Maybe RdrName)
  -> OpTree ty op
  -> OpTree ty op

Here, we have had a hard time deciding how to format the type signature because of forall ty op.. If we leave [(RdrName, Fixity)] like this, it’s not aligned with other arguments and looks quite different because it’s not prefixed by (->).

We could try this:

  :: forall ty op.
     [(RdrName, Fixity)]
  -> (op -> Maybe RdrName)
  -> OpTree ty op
  -> OpTree ty op

But then the first argument starts at a column that is not a multiple of our indentation step. We could also try to put . on the same line as [(RdrName, Fixity)] but . belongs to forall ty op., so it’s not perfect.

In the future, there will be more additions to the type system:

  • Linear types will add a new type of arrow. It’s clear that the new arrow (#->) will be at least three characters long and won’t align with :: and other arrows. What’s more, (#->) is shorthand. In general linear arrows can have multiplicity annotations, like p in Int #p-> Bool. Multiplicities characterize use of the function argument, whose type is given immediately before the multiplicity, so it makes sense to group the argument type and the arrow on the same line.

  • Dependent Haskell is going to add new constructions on the type level as well. They may bring us problems similar to the existing forall.

We found that all these problems get solved if we put arrows in trailing position:

reassociateOpTreeWith ::
  forall ty op.
  [(RdrName, Fixity)] ->
  (op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
  OpTree ty op ->
  OpTree ty op

This makes sense especially because (->) is right-associative.

The only problem with trailing arrows is per-argument Haddocks. They cannot be placed after (->) so there are two options:

reassociateOpTreeWith ::
  forall ty op.
  [(RdrName, Fixity)] {- ^ Fixity map for operators -} ->
  (op -> Maybe RdrName) {- ^ How to get the name of an operator -} ->
  OpTree ty op {- ^ Original 'OpTree' -} ->
  OpTree ty op {- ^ Re-associated 'OpTree' -}


reassociateOpTreeWith ::
  forall ty op.
  -- | Fixity map for operators
  [(RdrName, Fixity)] ->
  -- | How to get the name of an operator
  (op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
  -- | Original 'OpTree'
  OpTree ty op ->
  -- | Re-associated 'OpTree'
  OpTree ty op

We went with the second version, which seems clearer and arguably encourages writing more detailed Haddocks.

Configuration and language extensions

Ormolu aims to have only one style, as noted in the first post. That means no configuration and no configuration file to keep.

Most language extensions co-exist peacefully so they’re turned on by default for every file. This way, Ormolu always works with syntax that’s enabled by the extensions—it doesn’t need to search for Cabal files to figure out which extensions to use—which simplifies the usage.

There are a few exceptions though. You can find out which extensions are not enabled by default like this:

$ ormolu --manual-exts

Those should be enabled either on top of each file (recommended) or passed with the --ghc-opt option.

The next steps

Ormolu is now in beta stage, and it’s available here to download and try today. Next, we’re going to concentrate on a few idempotence bugs. They’re low severity, but we’ve made them high priority, and we’re confident we’ll fix them.

Want to help improve Ormolu? Please suggest improvements, make contributions, and report any issues here.

About the authors

Mark Karpov

Mark is a build system expert with a particular focus on Bazel. As a consultant at Tweag he has worked with a number of large and well-known companies that use Bazel or decided to migrate to it. Other than build systems, Mark's background is in functional programming and in particular Haskell. His personal projects include high-profile Haskell libraries, tutorials, and a technical blog.

Utku Demir

If you enjoyed this article, you might be interested in joining the Tweag team.

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.


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