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Streaming programs without laziness: a short primer

27 July 2017 — by Facundo Domínguez, Mathieu Boespflug

In school, we’re taught that I/O is a simple affair: read data in, write data out. Rinse, repeat. But then as practitioners we realize matters are often more complicated. For one, I/O is slow, so we probably want operations to overlap (i.e. be processed asynchronously), especially if we have to perform many I/O operations. In this post, we’ll talk about another topic that any functional programmer will stumble upon at some point along their infinite path to enlightenment: streaming resources. Did you ever wonder what they are about? This post is an attempt at explaining why you’d want to think about this topic.

Streaming programs

Let’s say we want to write a small utility that truncates any input to its topmost line. We can start with a pure function from input to output:

headLine :: String -> String
headLine = unlines . take 1 . lines

Simple enough. We could hook this function up to an input source, possibly located somewhere on disk, and also to some output sink. This program would use resources like memory, CPU time, file descriptors and disk space.

If the amount of memory does not grow beyond a finite bound, for all possible inputs, we say that the program runs in bounded memory. More generally, we will say that a program is streaming if the usage of some resources considered scarce is bounded.

In our example we care about memory and file handles. It’s important to tame RAM usage, because the amount of fast volatile memory available in a computer is typically far smaller than the size of the program’s input. Likewise, file descriptors aren’t a commodity in infinite supply: operating systems impose aggressive per-process limits by default. Disk space, and sometimes even CPU time, are comparatively far less scarce, so we won’t worry about those here.

It can be hard to reconcile the constraints of resource scarcity with another imperative: don’t give up on writing programs from composable pieces that can be well understood in isolation from each other, lest you end up with unmaintainable spaghetti. This is where streaming libraries can help: the idea is to define once and for all common patterns that enable building streaming and compositional programs.

Writing a streaming program

Resuming our running example, we could make a streaming program from function headLine provided that we satisfy the following conditions:

  • evaluation of the output string should not be forced into memory all at once by any callers of headLine and
  • the source of the input string needs to be closed soon enough to prevent open handles from accumulating.

Additionally, for the program to be a correct program,

  • the source of the input string should not be closed before the output string has been fully evaluated.

These conditions embody the amount of thinking that the programmer needs to do without help from the compiler. They present opportunities for the programmer or the language’s runtime system to screw up, so that we end up with a program that is either not streaming or is incorrect. In Haskell, traditionally, people have been exploiting lazy evaluation to build streaming programs: if we can somehow produce a string that represents the entire contents of a file, we could plug that string as an input into headLine and hope that only the first line will ever be evaluated and loaded in memory. But this is a dangerous assumption. The type system no longer distinguishes whether a String is a list of values, a computation which will produce the values on demand, or a computation which requires a file handle to complete successfully.

Consider this attempt at a full program that uses headLine:

import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO (hGetContents, hClose, openFile, IOMode(ReadMode))

printHeadLine1 :: FilePath -> IO ()
printHeadLine1 path = do
    contents <- bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose hGetContents
    putStr $ headLine contents

The type checker is happy to let it go through. However, it always produces an empty output. This is because what hGetContents returns (something of type String) is really a computation that performs I/O as a side effect, not a regular value, despite what the type suggests. As soon as we evaluate contents, or any part of it, those side effects will have to occur. But in the example above, due to laziness, any evaluation of contents will happen as part of the evaluation of headLine, and by the time that happens, the file handle is already closed, thus violating our third condition above. Here’s a fix:

import Control.DeepSeq (($!!))
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO (hGetContents, hClose, openFile, IOMode(ReadMode))

printHeadLine2 :: FilePath -> IO ()
printHeadLine2 path = do
    str <- bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose \h -> do
      contents <- hGetContents h
      return $!! contents
    putStr $ headLine str

Now, evaluation of the contents side-effecting computation is forced to happen before the file handle is closed by ($!!). The result str is a string available at the time it is consumed. Problem solved? Not quite, because this time the whole file contents is loaded into memory at once. What we really want is for the input of headLine to be a computation that produces the values on demand. A streaming version follows.

import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO (hGetContents, hClose, openFile, IOMode(ReadMode))

printHeadLine :: FilePath -> IO ()
printHeadLine path = do
    bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose $ \h ->
      hGetContents h >>= putStr . headLine

So it turns out that we can write a correct and streaming program. But it would be great if the type checker could help us verify the three conditions above.

Streaming with a streaming library

Streaming libraries are a great help to write correct streaming programs. There are many out there, but we’ll focus here on the streaming package. The argument would work as well with other streaming libraries like conduit, pipes, enumerator or io-streams.

The streaming package, like other streaming libraries, helps to discern whether a value is a list or a computation. It offers an effectful Stream abstraction as a sequence of computations on some parametric monad m. Each computation can produce a part of a potentially long list of values.

This streaming package has a companion package called streaming-bytestring, which provides an effectful ByteString abstraction. Similar to Stream’s, a ByteString is a sequence of computations, each of which yields a part of a potentially long bytestring.

To be concrete, let us consider the function headLine implemented with these abstractions.

import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as SB
import qualified Streaming

headLineStream :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> ByteString m ()
headLineStream = SB.unlines . Streaming.takes 1 . SB.lines

This function transforms an effectful bytestring. It might not reside fully in memory, but it may be produced in chunks as the bytestring is consumed. In contrast to lazy ByteStrings, the effectful bytestring produces the chunks in the monad m rather than through lazy evaluation. Thus the type makes explicit that some computation happens as the bytestring is consumed, and it becomes possible to reason about the order in which resources are acquired, used, and released in terms of the monad operations.

SB.lines :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r
Streaming.takes :: Monad m => Int -> Stream (ByteString m) m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m ()
SB.unlines :: Monad m => Stream (ByteString m) m r -> ByteString m r

The function starts by creating a stream of lines. Each line is itself an effectful bytestring. When the first bytestring is fully consumed, the bytestring for the second line becomes available.

Then the function discards all the input except for the first bytestring (takes), and finally, it assembles a bytestring from the resulting stream (unlines).

The conditions to ensure that the resulting program is streaming and correct are as follows:

  • The output ByteString is not fed to any function that loads all of the output into memory like SB.toStrict,
  • the source of the input ByteString needs to be closed soon enough to prevent open handles from accumulating, and
  • the output ByteString shall not be used after the source of the input ByteString is closed.

These might look similar to the conditions we had to satisfy previously, but now these conditions do not refer to some evaluation that may happen lazily. Programmers are no longer responsible for distinguishing values from effectful computations, the compiler will do it for them. Thus, by using a streaming library, we are reducing the amount of unaided bookkeeping that the programmer needs to conduct.

Let us consider the full program for the sake of completeness:

printHeadLineStream :: FilePath -> IO ()
printHeadLineStream fp =
    runResourceT $ SB.stdout $ headLineStream $ SB.readFile fp

The function printHeadLineStream calls SB.readFile which produces an effectful stream with the contents of the file. The file is created using the MonadResource class to ensure that the file is closed before runResourceT completes.

SB.stdout :: MonadIO m => ByteString m r -> m r

The call to SB.stdout will consume the effectful ByteString returned by headLineStream by printing it to the standard output.


Streaming libraries support writing composable streaming programs without relying on lazy I/O. This simplifies reasoning about the order in which resources are acquired, used, and released. However, no streaming library today guarantees that well-typed programs are always streaming. The programmer is still responsible for getting resource management right (but there are other libraries to help with that too, like resourcet).

In the next blog post in this series, we will delve in more detail into the features that streaming libraries provide and how they allow writing composable programs while keeping lazy I/O out of the equation.

About the authors

Facundo Domínguez

Facundo is a software engineer supporting development and research projects at Tweag. Prior to joining Tweag, he worked in academia and in industry, on a varied assortment of domains, with an overarching interest in programming languages.

Mathieu Boespflug

Mathieu is the CEO and founder of Tweag.

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