On a previous post, we explained how to write tests for stateful systems using traces — sequences of stateful actions — that can be combined and modified to write complex test cases easily and transparently. This post elaborates on the combinators used to generate new traces from previously existing traces.
Writing generators for property-based tests is an art, and there’s often a trade-off between how many test cases are generated and how meaningful each of them is. When considering stateful systems, this problem is exacerbated, because any action taken now may constrain the available actions for the future. This means that the test generator will already need to track how the state evolves from each step to the next in order to generate valid inputs. We think that this is problematic because it means that the test case generator will likely end up duplicating much of the work (and many of the mistakes) of the program being tested.
So, ideally, we’d like to be able to use the program we’re testing to keep track of the state, but still apply state-dependent modifications at each time step. Succinctly, we propose the following approach to make this possible:
Generate test cases as variations of example traces. This guides the exploration of the space of possible tests in a very transparent way: There are many test cases being generated, but each one is a precisely understood variation of a known scenario.
Use a language derived from linear temporal logic (LTL) to describe where single-step modifications should be applied. In order to allow for single-step modifications to depend on the state of the computation, we evaluate the modified traces while also interpreting the LTL formula describing the composite modification from step to step.
An example to motivate LTL test cases
Here’s a pattern we frequently encounter in our audits of smart contracts: Say
we’re testing a protocol that involves two transactions, txA
and txB
. Also
assume that a potential vulnerability comes from malicious txB
s, which are
only possible if preceded by a suitably modified txA
Now, you will often have a collection of valid traces for the protocol, which
will feature txA
s and txB
s in various contexts. Wouldn’t it be nice to use
all these different scenarios as a “backdrop” for your test, by modifying txA
and txB
s in them? That is, we want to apply a coordinated modification of
two transactions: In order to witness the vulnerability, one has to modify a
pair of transactions, which occur at unknown positions in the trace although the
order in which they appear is known.
The property we’d like to test here is “at some point in time, we can modify a
so that later on, there’ll be a txB
we can also modify”. If that
property holds, the protocol is broken. But really, we do not merely want to
test a property, we want to execute the trace — and modify it while we go — to
witness the attack.
This is where linear temporal logic (LTL) comes to the scene.
LTL primer
Linear Temporal Logic is a temporal logic in the sense that, in addition to propositional variables and the connectives of propositional logic, also features some connectives pertaining to the order of events in time. It is linear in the sense that its temporal connectives can only specify properties of a single time line.
Our idea is to think of propositional variables as single-step modifications
that apply to time steps within a timeline — in the preceding example, the time
steps are transactions like txA
and txB
, the modifications described by
propositional variables apply to single transactions, and timelines are
transaction sequences. Our method aims to be applicable generally, and therefore
we define the type of LTL formulas with single-step modifications of any type
data Ltl a
= LtlTruth
| LtlFalsity
| LtlAtom a
| LtlOr (Ltl a) (Ltl a)
| LtlAnd (Ltl a) (Ltl a)
| LtlNext (Ltl a)
| LtlUntil (Ltl a) (Ltl a)
| LtlRelease (Ltl a) (Ltl a)
Now, we think of an element of type Ltl a
not as a formula that describes a
property to be checked, but as a composite modification to be applied to a
trace. From this perspective, we can give a meaning to the constructors
above. Let’s start with the first three.
is the “do nothing” modification that can be applied anytime and leaves everything unchanged. -
is the modification that never applies and always leads to failure. In other words,LtlFalsity
terminates the current timeline, which means that the whole modified computation is disregarded. -
The formula
LtlAtom x
means “at the current time step, applyx
The next two constructors look innocuous enough, but still need some explanation.
The modification
x `LtlOr` y
should be understood as “timeline branching”: It splits the trace we’re modifying into two traces, one modified withx
and the other modified withy
. -
Conjunction is slightly more subtle: The modification
x `LtlAnd` y
applies bothx
to the same trace (no time branching here!). Our current implementation appliesy
first, so thatLtlAnd
is not necessarily commutative. It will however be commutative whenever the order in which single-step modifications are applied does not matter.
The last three constructors are what really turns LTL into a temporal logic.
The formula
LtlNext x
is the modification that appliesx
at the next time step, or fails if there is no such time step. -
The formula
x `LtlUntil` y
at every time step, untily
becomes applicable (and is applied) at some time step, which must happen eventually. -
The formula
x `LtlRelease` y
is dual tox `LtlUntil` y
. It appliesy
at every time step, up to and including the first time step whenx
becomes applicable (and is applied); shouldx
never become applicable, theny
will be applied forever.
The absence of negation and implication from our presentation stems from the our
point of view that LTL formulas are composite modifications. For now, we have
not settled on one obviously correct meaning for the negation (if there is one):
Should it mean to check for applicability of the modification, failing if it is
applicable, and leaving everything unchanged otherwise? Should it somehow mean
to branch into the infinitude of all other possible modifications (using some
kind of mask)…? Likewise, implication is problematic: What should the meaning
of LtlNext x `LtlImplies` y
be? — Assume x
is applicable at the next
time step, then we would have to apply y
now. However, applying y
now might
change the state, and that might make x
non-applicable at the next time
step. In that sense, this formula would describe a modification that violates
causality. All of this is not intended to mean that negation and implication are
impossible for fundamental reasons, but that there is no clear path to handle
them at the moment.
Applying LTL in the example scenario
Assume that we interact with our protocol through a monad Protocol
that uses
two transactions txA :: Protocol ()
and txB :: Protocol ()
, and say that one
of our simple traces looks like this:
aabab :: Protocol ()
aabab = txA >> txA >> txB >> txA >> txB
As a warm-up, let’s generate all possibilities to modify exactly one txA
some single-transaction modification modifyA
, and let’s denote the modified
transactions by txA'
. Since there are three txA
s, there should be three
modified traces (in pseudo-Haskell):
{ txA' >> txA >> txB >> txA >> txB
, txA >> txA' >> txB >> txA >> txB
, txA >> txA >> txB >> txA' >> txB
Generalising the atomic modification, we can describe the “at some point in time” part with the following LTL formula:
eventually :: a -> Ltl a
eventually x = LtlTruth `LtlUntil` LtlAtom x
This means that eventually x
is successfully applied either if we can apply
right now, or if we can recursively apply eventually x
from the next
transaction onward.
So, eventually modifyA
is the modification we want to apply. To do so, we use
the type class
class Monad m => MonadModal m where
type Modification m :: Type
modifyLtl :: Ltl (Modification m) -> m a -> m a
which allows us to apply the composite modification described by an LTL formula
to some monadic computation, returning a computation of the same type. In all of
the examples we have encountered so far, the monad under consideration will have
an obvious branching structure like MonadPlus
, so that we can think of
as the function that returns all “timelines” that can be obtained by
applying the given modification.
So, modifyLtl (eventually modifyA)
, applied to aabab
, should describe the
three traces above.
Now for the grand finale: In the original discussion of the example, we wanted
to apply a coordinated modification to all pairs of a txA
and a later txB
The formula that interests us is therefore
andLater :: a -> a -> Ltl a
x `andLater` y = eventually $ LtlAtom x `LtlAnd` LtlNext (eventually y)
It describes the composite modification that somewhere applies x
and then at
some later step applies y
. This should then yield, again in pseudo-Haskell, the
following five modified traces:
modifyLtl (modifyA `andLater` modifyB) aabab ==
{ txA' >> txA >> txB' >> txA >> txB
, txA >> txA' >> txB' >> txA >> txB
, txA' >> txA >> txB >> txA >> txB'
, txA >> txA' >> txB >> txA >> txB'
, txA >> txA >> txB >> txA' >> txB'
That is, each pair of a txA
followed at some point by a txB
A rough idea of the implementation
The main difficulty in interpreting LTL formulas as state-aware modifications
lies in the fact that the parameters of single-transaction modifications might
depend on parts of the state that are only known once we run the actual
trace. In the example, modifyA
and modifyB
might behave differently
depending on the state. For example, consider the first two of the modified
traces from above.
modifyLtl (modifyA `andLater` modifyB) aabab ==
{ txA' >> txA >> txB' >> txA >> txB
, txA >> txA' >> txB' >> txA >> txB
, ...
The txB'
from the first modified trace might be different from the txB'
the second trace, because the state after the first two transactions was
different, and modifyB
therefore produced a different txB'
. However, since
the relevant state can only be known once the first two transaction have already
been modified and run, we have to run the modified trace while we apply
single-step modifications.
Another way to phrase this is that we can’t first generate a list of traces and then run them in a second step; we don’t know all of the details of the computation(s) we’re running beforehand. It is this fact that makes the implementation rather involved, but also what ultimately makes our idea useful: We can modify in a state-aware way, but we don’t need to track the state ourselves.
Our mental model to get around this difficulty is the observation that every
formula x :: Ltl a
corresponds to a list nowLater x :: [(a, Ltl a)]
of pairs
of a single-step modification to apply right now and a composite modification to
apply from the next time step onward. You can think of this as a normal form:
Every formula is equivalent to a disjunction of formulas of the form a `LtlAnd` LtlNext x
, where a
is an atom, truth, or falsity.
For example, the formula x `LtlUntil` y
corresponds to the list [(y, LtlTruth), (x, x `LtlUntil` y)]
, because there are two ways to satisfy it:
Either y
is already applicable at the current time step and then we need not
apply any further modifications, or x
is applicable now, and in that case we
recursively have to apply x `LtlUntil` y
from the next time step onward.
Now, our idea is to have an abstract syntax tree (AST) of the traces we’re
trying to modify and then interpret that AST while also using the function
to pass the relevant modifications from each time step to the
next. This becomes possible with the freer monad ideas described in the
previous post. Very briefly, in the setting of the example, the
idea is to have a type Op
to reify the methods of the monad Protocol
, such
that a method that returns an a
is reified as an Op a
. For example, txA
and txB
would correspond to two constructors of Op ()
. The AST is then
constructed as the freer monad on Op
, together with some operations that are
hidden from the end user to allow us to thread LTL formulas through. Then, we
define a function
interpretLtl ::
-- some constraints on m
) =>
AST a -> StateT (Ltl modification) m a
to interpret the AST while also passing the modifications from one step of the
interpretation to the next. The conditions on m
require that m
has the
necessary structure to interpret the operations reified by Op
In the end, we obtain a convenient method to define instances of the “magical”
type class MonadModal
from the last section. (If you want to understand how
it works, I recommend reading the previous post and then starting your
exploration of the code with this instance declaration
for MonadModal
Closing Remarks
The preceding discussion proposes a method to turn a relatively small number of uninteresting traces into a big number of interesting tests. Also, since each of the test cases is obtained as a precisely described composite modification of an original trace, we’re running many tests, but it’s easy to keep track of what we’re actually testing. Especially in combination with a convenient way to define single-step modifications, this method allows us to quickly explore many test ideas. (For the blockchain use case, we have a growing collection of single-step modifications, which correspond to common attacks on smart contracts.)
The objective of this post is mainly to share the technique to use “LTL to modify a
sequence of stateful actions, not to check some of its properties”.
We imagine that this idea will prove useful in many applications, not
only for testing. Our method can be applied to every monad that has some
“builtin” operations that can be meaningfully modified. The idea of the
type class — and the idea to generate instances for it using a
freer monad — is relevant whenever it makes sense to consider stateful
computations as step-by-step modifications of one original computation.
Further work
There are now many interesting questions on the more theoretical side to investigate.
What’s the right set of logical connectives?
The problem with the “causality violating” formula
LtlNext x `LtlImplies` y
seems not to be implication per se, but that we can’t haveLtlNext
before an implication, if we want to use our ”nowLater
normal form” approach. -
Likewise, the fact that it’s not obvious what negation should be doesn’t mean that we should not consider it. What are some conditions on an operation that would make it worthy of being called “negation” in this context?
We’re working with a set of connectives that implicitly assumes time to be infinite, but the computations we consider all have a finite number of time steps. Is there a sensible finite-time fragment of LTL we can use? We’re investigating this question with an Agda formalisation of the ideas in this post, and the goal of this effort is to reach a complete specification and verification.
What is the formula that describes the modification we get by first applying the
and theny
to the same trace? Our implementation just relies on the assumption that, in the relevant cases, we can useLtlAnd
, but as we discussed, there are some problems around commutativity. Phrased differently, atomic modifications form a (not necessarily commutative) monoid, and our LTL modifications inherit monoid structure from them. Is there a sensible logical junctor corresponding to that monoid operation? -
What about branching-time logic? — We already heavily use the “time branching” metaphor, so maybe it’s useful to conceptualise computations not as linear sequences of instructions, but to use the “nondeterministic computation” perspective throughout.
We expect that all of these questions can (and should) only be answered on the
basis of a sound denotational semantics for the function modifyLtl
. So the one
question to rule them all is: What’s modifyLtl
, really?
About the author
Carl is a mathematician who took a liking to computers. He enjoys when foundations suddenly become applied; when the answer to some deep question is actually implementable, useful, and, importantly, fun to work with. If we strive for the ideal of "software correct by design", the road towards that goal has to be enjoyable!
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